Roll20 unites and serves the gaming community by providing resources and tools that power better game play. Think of it as a virtual tabletop, allowing players to find one another, form new gaming groups and seamlessly take pen-and-paper games online. Roll20’s reach within the gaming community is impressive, with tens of thousands of followers on social media. The team at Mess—full of gamers and game masters—could barely contain our excitement when Roll20 invited our team to reimagine how to connect this community, our community, through a newsletter.
Great products are enhanced through great communication tools, so we brought the full breadth of our creative and technical talent forward. Our mission was to better highlight new project features, streaming content and creator content from the Roll20 marketplace. Our inspiration drew upon the scope and scale of the worlds within the players’ imaginations. The result is a beautifully designed e-newsletter featuring an expansive templating system. It’s as easy and enjoyable reading as Roll20 makes gameplay.